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Thursday, November 02, 2023 

RINOs refuse to support censuring Rashida Tlaib for her anti-Israelism

A resolution prepared by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to censure the anti-Israeli Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was sabotaged by traitorous members of the GOP:
A resolution to censure Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a member of the Squad, over her “anti-Semitic beliefs” was tabled Wednesday by the U.S. House, with nearly two dozen Republicans voting with Democrats against the resolution.

The resolution was introduced by Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The House did not end up voting on the legislation as 22 Republicans voted with Democrats on a motion to table the vote. Thirteen Republicans did not vote. The vote was 222-186.

“I just introduced my resolution to censure Rashida Tlaib as privileged to force a House vote in two legislative days,” Greene wrote in a tweet after introducing the resolution. “Tlaib led a pro-Hamas insurrection into the Capitol complex, has repeatedly displayed her anti-Semitic beliefs, and shown her hatred for Israel. She must be held accountable and censured.”

Before the vote, Greene tweeted, “Tonight, the House will vote on my resolution to censure Jihad Squad member and leader of the Hamasurrection Rashida Tlaib. Tlaib must be censured for her anti-American, antisemitic hatred. I hope every member of the House, R or D, votes to hold this behavior accountable.”

Greene also slammed Republicans who she thought would vote against the resolution, without mentioning their names.
Those who refused to uphold common sense are exactly what's brought down the USA. No doubt, it's the same people who opposed Jim Jordan for house speaker. And they're bound to make things worse soon enough. This is an utter embarrassment.

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