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Thursday, November 02, 2023 

The ultra-Orthodox extremists who support Hamas

In the Haredi enclave of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, there are, abomimably enough, clans who support the Hamas and their evil deeds:
Police say they removed graffiti in Jerusalem’s Mea Shearim neighborhood which expressed support for Hamas’s murderous attacks on October 7.

In addition to Palestinian flags, graffiti included the slogan “1400 Zionist terrorists neutralized,” a reference to the death toll in the devastating attacks in southern Israel, and “Zionists = Nazis.”

As police carried out their activities, rioters threw eggs, water, bottles and rocks at officers, and chanted insults including “Nazi terrorists.”

Mea Shearim is a bastion of hard line ultra-Orthodox sects.

A number of groups with a presence in the neighborhood, such as Neuterai Karta, are strongly opposed to Israel’s existence and reject cooperating with the state.

In recent years, soldiers have been attacked in the neighborhood, and their have been incidents involving the burning of Israeli flags and effigies of IDF soldiers.
I feared this was possible, and offensively enough, it was. What if the monsters who hung up those PLO flags even tore down any posters of people who were kidnapped/raped/murdered by Hamas? Repulsively, that too is quite possible. These are the 5th columnists we have in our mist, and they're doing everything they can to desecrate the memory of the victims.

Mea Shearim is a socialist-influenced mess that'll take ages to repair, morally and otherwise.

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