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Saturday, October 28, 2023 

Why did donors withdrawing from universities over anti-Israel positions not do the same when it came to pro-BLM positions?

Tristan Justice raises a crucial question on why only now, after the horror set by Hamas in Israel, are major donors to far-left-run universities starting to sit up and take notice, yet never did anything similar after all the harm caused by BLM riots in the past few years:
Major university donors closed their pocketbooks this month after pro-Palestine activists who stood in solidarity with Hamas exposed the far-left radicalism that has taken over higher education. While the donors are now wielding their financial influence against antisemitism in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, they didn’t have any qualms about pro-Palestine allies of Black Lives Matter terrorizing cities across the country three years ago. In fact, in many cases, they funded or otherwise supported it.

Former Utah Gov. and U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman, whose family has donated tens of millions of dollars to the University of Pennsylvania over the years, was among the first to send a letter to the school’s president over its response to the Hamas attack. He announced the Huntsman Foundation will “close its checkbook” thanks to UPenn’s immediate silence in the wake of Palestinian militants killing a reported 1,400 Jews or more in a surprise attack.

[...] The university’s response, or lack of it, drew criticism from prominent alumni such as Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and former GOP Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. Last week, the Wexner Foundation, chaired by Leslie and Abigail Wexner, pulled financial support from the school. On Monday, Hogan announced he will pull out of two fellowship programs in which he had planned to participate.

“I cannot condone the dangerous anti-Semitism that has taken root on your campus,” Hogan said. “This horrific terrorist attack was the greatest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust and it should be universally condemned as exactly what it is: Pure evil.”

But where were these billionaires and politicians when Black Lives Matter activists burned down American communities? Mitt Romney, at least, was marching with them.
Read more. This a most crucial query indeed. Similar questions could be asked about the Boy & Girl Scouts of the USA, who also sold out to Islam in years past, and the donors who only sat up and took notice after LGBT ideology infiltrated their movements. Romney should definitely be ashamed of himself, and this demonstrates perfectly why he wasn't a good candidate for president in the past decade.

It's also been reported by Canary Mission that Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has connections with the Hamas:
  • Canary Mission can confirm that Rashida Tlaib has extensive fundraising ties to Hamas supporters. She employed no less than three Hamas-linked activists to fundraise for her 2018 election campaign, one of whom spent 8 months in prison for his alleged connections to Hamas.
  • Tlaib additionally used a pro-terror Facebook page, PAC-USA, to raise funds for her 2018 Congressional campaign. Tlaib gave the founder of PAC-USA the position of Chairman of the Finance Committee for Rashida Tlaib for Congress. He used it to promote 12 fundraisers in 8 states, entirely with her support.
  • In 2015, Tlaib co-founded the Detroit-based, anti-American, anti-Israel and pro-terror hate group, Black4Palestine. A co-founder used the group to conduct activism with members of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).
Yet will the Democrats expel her? Sadly, the answer is bound to be no.

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