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Sunday, October 29, 2023 

Israeli flag raised in Gaza

For the first time since the repulsive Ariel Sharon began the process that led to the October 7 tragedy in the long run, an Israeli flag was raised in Gaza as the IDF came in:
IDF soldiers who entered the Gaza Strip on Saturday raised the Israeli flag on one of the homes in the area, according to video shared online.

A man could be heard in the video saying “three weeks after the horrible crime, soldiers of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade lift the flag of Israel in the heart of Gaza, along the beach. We will not forget... we will not stop until victory.”

This was reportedly the first time the Israeli flag has been raised in Gaza since the Disengagement in 2005.

IDF expands ground operations in Gaza Strip

Starting on Friday night, IDF soldiers began an expanded ground entry into the Gaza Strip, reaching several kilometers into the coastal enclave.

The IDF said that the entry into Gaza was an “expansion” of the ground raids conducted earlier in week, although IDF spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari would not say if the entry was the beginning of the ground offensive spoken about in recent weeks.

Clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists in northern Gaza have continued since, with airstrikes targeting a number of locations as well.
Well now Sharon's betrayal has been defeated, certainly for now. Let's hope the IDF can continue the mission successfully.

Update: more on the continuing efforts to defeat terrorists:
IAF aircraft directed by the IDF attacked military buildings used by the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza. In addition, anti-tank posts, observation posts, and military infrastructure were attacked.

Security forces eliminated terrorists who shot at them as well as terrorists identified on the coastline near the Zikim area in the Gaza Strip.
Good riddance.

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