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Tuesday, October 31, 2023 

Difficult road to travel

Israeli spokesperson Eylon Levy makes clear that the goal of the current war in Gaza is to eradicate Hamas:
The Israel-Hamas war has been ongoing for over three weeks after the Palestinian terror outfit carried out a surprise 'attack' on the country on October 7, 2023. Israel in retaliation launched the airstrike in the initial days of the war and now it has extended to intense Ground operations to eliminate Hamas from Gaza strip. Adressing a press conference on Monday, Israeli spokesperson Elyon Levy said that the conflict is not some small event but a full fledged war that will go on until Hamas is eradicated from the Gaza Strip.

“The days ahead are going to be long, they're going to be difficult. They're going to be hard because this isn't another round of conflict. This isn't another round where Hamas will fire rockets, Israel will launch airstrikes and then everything will calm down after a few days. Hamas declared war on us, Hamas declared war with the worst terrorist attack in world history since 9/11. And so we're going to totally dismantle Hamas in the Gaza Strip. That is our goal in this war, total victory over Hamas”, said Eylon in an interview with ANI.

“We are going after every single Hamas tunnel, every single Hamas rocket launcher, every single Hamas commander, every single Hamas fighter, they're all legitimate targets…They all represent a clear and immediate danger to the security of our friends and family. And we are going after them in order to destroy them while doing everything we can to minimize civilian casualties, including on the Palestinian side as well”, said Eylon.
Obviously, it's to be expected if this takes a long time to accomplish. But one thing's for certain, we can't back down from finishing the job.

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