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Tuesday, November 07, 2023 

Footage from Hamas atrocities will be screened in Hollywood

If there's something right Israeli-born actress Gal Gadot is doing now, it's arranging a special screening in Hollywood for documentary footage of the graphic murders committed by the Hamas on October 7 (Hat tip: Daily Wire):
Israeli actress Gal Gadot is making efforts to illuminate the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip by organizing a screening of a 47-minute video provided by the IDF spokesperson.

The video serves as a damning record of the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli communities on the Gaza border on October 7.

The screening is scheduled to take place in front of a curated audience, featuring Hollywood celebrities and prominent figures.

Oscar-winning director Guy Nattiv, who spearheaded the initiative, revealed, "Gal Gadot and her husband, Yaron Varsano, helped make this possible." However, specific details concerning the date and the confirmed guest list are yet to be finalized.
There is, however, something most troubling told about Nattiv that makes me reluctant to see his films in such a hurry:
Nattiv, a self-proclaimed humanist advocating for a two-state solution, drew a heartfelt connection to the footage. He referred back to the Holocaust, when the world mostly remained indifferent to the suffering of the Jewish population, and emphasized, "As a filmmaker, I swore that these images of October 7 would not be forgotten, and the world would see them. Because now the denial begins - it is a fake, it is not a fake (…) We cannot pass by in silence."
Well, I hope Nattiv realizes by now that what he was advocating for is practically what led to the horror that occurred last month. What will even the victims and survivors themselves think if they know what his stance was until now, promoting "2-state solution", which is also advocating for the very problematic notion of living seperately, rather than integrated? Such a mindset is virtually what's destroying Europe even as we speak, and it wouldn't shock me if people like Nattiv will be advocating for multi-state solutions even in European countries tomorrow, if he hasn't abandoned it yet.

If Nattiv really wants to mend the horrific damage, that's why, if he really cares, then all talk of 2-state solutions coming from him will have to end right here and now. Appeasement of "communities" that uphold barbarism will not solve the problems, and it goes without saying that such people don't deserve "states of their own".

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