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Wednesday, January 17, 2024 

Britain's Rishi Sunak makes a proper point about the conditions for a ceasefire, yet blows it too

The current premier of the UK, Sunak, acknowledged that the only way a ceasefire can take place when it comes to Gaza is for Hamas to be defeated and release all Israeli hostages, but still indicated support for the PLO, as though they're qualified:
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak answered questions from Members of Parliament today (Wednesday) at a Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) session, during which he responded to an MP's call for the UK to support a ceasefire in the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.

[...] However, he said that for his government to support a ceasefire, certain conditions would have to be met. “Hamas would have to agree to release all the hostages, Hamas would no longer have to be in charge of Gaza and the threat of more rocket attacks from Hamas into Israel would have to end, and the Palestinian Authority – boosted with assistance would need to return to Gaza in order to provide governance and aid."
While the part about Hamas is correct, the part about the PLO most definitely is not, considering they've thrown their support behind many terrorists with monetary provisions. And it could also be wondered why Sunak hasn't done anything to improve the police system that's allowed Islamic incitement to violence to occur in the UK.

In related news, France's foreign minister panned the South African government for their anti-Israeli stance:
French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne criticized the South African government's decision to attempt to charge the State of Israel with genocide.

“Accusing the Jewish state of genocide crosses a moral threshold. The notion of genocide cannot be exploited for a political end,"
Sejourne told the French Parliament.

"We said this also when Russia used this claim to justify the war in Ukraine," he added.
Of course, even in France, they have a problem of doing too little to prevent antisemitism even within the system, recalling the Sarah Halimi murder, and there's also the serious issue of Muslim rapists still invading the country. The point can also be made regarding the failure in Britain to prevent Muslim rapists from going after local girls in Rochdale, in example.

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