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Thursday, January 11, 2024 

Nobody should have to "get used" to this

A parliamentary aide in France was threatened with a knife by an Islamofascist after he left a doctor's office. He describes it this way:
I almost got my throat cut this morning.

More details:

“Like a Monday morning” in the France of 2024.

As I leave the doctor’s office, I take shelter for a second in the Léon Meiss aisle to put my scarf back on.

Then an NA [North African] type individual appears, 20-25 years old, dressed all in black and with a white hood on his head.

He screams: “On the Qur’an / I f**k France / f**k all your dead, you white sons of bitches”

I turn around, surprised by so much verbal violence early in the morning, in a “rather calm” area of Villeurbanne during the day (Gratte-Ciel – cours Émile Zola)

That’s when the person CHARGED AT ME.

In a split second, I found myself threatened, knife at my throat, grabbed by the collar…

In a second my life could have ended. In a second everything could have changed. The France of 2024

Stunned… without reaction, waiting for the fractions of seconds to come.

I instinctively take a step back, then a second, while he still holds me.

The individual says the following words:

“You’re not worth it bitch” then turned on his heel and ran away.

Should we get used to this?
Absolutely not. I'm very sorry he had to experience this. And it's horrifying to think of all the women who have also. This cannot go on.

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