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Monday, January 08, 2024 

Hamas concealed equipment in UNRWA bags, and many female hostages were sexually assaulted

More discoveries of how the Hamas took advantage of every trick in the book to store weapons and other horrors everywhere possible in Gaza:
The IDF discovered Hamas Nukhba military ballistic vests hidden in UNRWA bags stashed in a medical clinic in Gaza, the Israeli military said on Saturday morning.

Separately, Israeli forces located and destroyed a weapons storage facility containing dozens of Kalashnikov rifles, the IDF added.

Israeli soldiers recovered the Hamas ballistic vests stored in UNRWA bags during a raid in the area of Gaza City, in the northern portion of the strip, the IDF noted.

The raid was directed by intelligence after Israeli troops came under fire in the area in previous days.

A neighboring building of the raided medical clinic reportedly contained RPGs, AK-47s, and ammunition.
And the UN's made clear they don't have an issue with this. Just stunning how much weaponry could be stored in the Gaza strip. What next, will nuclear weapons be found?

In more related news, a released hostage tells how many girls were victimized by sexual violence:
At a Saturday night rally at Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, organizers screened a testimony from released hostage Agam Goldstein-Almog, who spent 51 days hostage in Gaza and was released from Hamas captivity as part of a prisoner swap.

"My father stood at the entrance to the bomb shelter with a board from my sister's bed," she recalled. "They came in and shot him right away. He screamed, 'No no no' and we were sitting huddled in the corner of the room. They brought us out, we went over my father, we saw him lying with his hands up."

"We didn't even get down to kiss him or say goodbye. It was all foggy and they were screaming, and then my sister fainted and was also shot."

Agam continued, "We arrived in Gaza. You live death. You don't know when it will catch you and how it will look, if it will happen through torture or if they will just shoot you or even if it'll be by the bombings from the Air Force. You're always thinking about what death will look like."

"On one of the days, we moved from a house to a tunnel. Suddenly the door opened and six girls were waiting and suddenly we understood that there are girls who were alone. A lot of girls experienced severe sexual assaults, they suffered very very serious and complicated injuries that were not treated. They bandaged themselves or we helped them with bandages.

"When we were with them, it was already a period when they would change bandages only every five days, because there weren't enough bandages. I assume that now it's once in a longer time, because the supplies ran out and the deliveries are becoming less, and it's both the physical injury and the mental injury. I can't even imagine what their situation is, what hope they hold onto.

"I am asking you to do everything to get them out," Agam concluded. "Really, act and move and move things. It's the basic right that everyone has - to go home, to their families, to build their lives."
That's why the IDF must start looking for the tunnels where they could be imprisoned. They're running awfully late on that.

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