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Monday, January 08, 2024 

South African president continues the country's downward spiral

The South Africa republic's incumbent president Cyril Ramaphosa is hurting his country ever further by associating with a murderous figure from Sudan:
South African President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, whose country is leading a suit against Israel in the International Court of Justice at Hague, is hosting a mass murderer in his country - and held a meeting with him.

Ramaphosa met with the leader of the RSF in Sudan, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo. Dagalo is responsible for mass murders, and reignited the civil war in Sudan a few months ago.

Following the renewed outbreak of fighting, millions were uprooted from their homes, and according to Sudanese reports, Dagalo's militants are carrying out mass murders and rapes.

In a tweet which Ramaphosa later erased, he referred to Dagalo as "His Excellency" and the "President of Sudan."

Dagalo is not internationally recognized as the President of Sudan
This is a pure disgrace, and definitely tells quite a bit about Ramaphosa, and where the republic of South Africa is going nowadays, straight towards disaster.

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