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Monday, January 08, 2024 

Anti-Israel protestors vandalized Los Angeles National Cemetary

The pro-jihadist movement in the USA just demonstrated how, not only are they anti-Israel, they're also anti-American (via the Daily Wire):
Pro-Palestinian protesters defaced the Los Angeles National Cemetery on Sunday, a national burial space where more than 80,000 veterans of World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, and more, are laid to rest.

Protesters spray-painted “Free Gaza” on the entrance to the memorial and chanted “long live Palestine,” “there is only one solution,” “from the river from the sea, Palestine will be free,” and “Biden, Biden, you’re a liar,” according to video footage of the event. Hundreds of protesters held signs that read “ceasefire now,” “stop bombing Gaza,” “end the occupation now,” “stop the genocide,” and more. One sign read “Zionist = Nazi.”

The protest also shut down Wilshire Boulevard, which is between Interstate 405 and Glendon Avenue, on Sunday afternoon.

“More proof that the people who hate #Israel, also hate America,” California congressman Brad Sherman said on X. “Here, at the Los Angeles National Cemetery in my district, they deface a cemetery for those who gave their lives to end slavery and protect the world from fascism.”
To make matters worse, it looks like authorities made no attempt to prevent the repulsive crowd from committing the vandalism. One more reason the USA is becoming so unsafe for Jews.

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