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Saturday, January 13, 2024 

Jewish students sue Harvard for failure to prevent antisemitism

Some Jewish students at Harvard have filed a lawsuit against the university for its fiasco that enabled antisemitism:
Harvard University was sued by Jewish students who claim the school has failed to punish campus antisemitism that soared after the Hamas attack on Israel and helped lead to the ouster of President Claudine Gay.

Harvard administrators failed to enforce policies that should protect Jewish students from antisemitic speech and conduct, according to the lawsuit filed late Wednesday in Boston federal court. Students cited a U.S. civil rights law that's been used to sue New York University, the University of Pennsylvania and University of California, Berkeley.

The lawsuit comes amid turmoil at Harvard, America's oldest and richest university, where Gay resigned last week after she initially failed to condemn the Hamas attack, mishandled her Dec. 5 testimony in Congress about antisemitism and faced allegations of plagiarism. Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the EU.

"It is clear that Harvard will not correct its deep-seated antisemitism problem voluntarily,"
Marc E. Kasowitz, whose firm filed the lawsuit, said in a statement. "Jewish students at Harvard are being subjected to vile and threatening antisemitic harassment and calls for the murder of Jews."
Some news columnists have already made the point that Gay's resignation alone won't solve the issue. All that aside, any antisemitic offense committed on campus should be reported to police, regardless of whether the university deals with it or not.

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