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Saturday, May 18, 2024 

Modern "romance novels" depict men and masculinity in a most degrading context

Author Kammie C. Rose talks about how the modern novel publishing industry now stands for little more than depicting masculine men more like emasculated, and without a doubt, women are demeaned as well simultaneously:
In a world of man buns and declining sperm counts, the last thing we needed was four men gracing this year’s red carpet at the Met Gala in flowing gowns. But like it or not, this is our culture. So as a conservative author of romantic comedy books, how do I develop likable characters that today’s female readers want to root for?

I can do it and believe I have, but have I lost touch with today’s mores? Is there anyone left who still wants to read about two seemingly normal potential lovers caught in funny or interesting scenarios? My job is to create entertaining plots that don’t betray my core values. Such a task for a conservative author in the romance genre feels as futile as trying to sell a fire extinguisher to an arsonist during a BLM riot.

An author striving for success does not dare depict the leading male character as a normal, grounded, masculine man. That won’t fly in today’s leftist publishing world. I know this truth well enough that I didn’t exert an ounce of energy seeking a traditional publisher for my latest book. Conservative publishers do exist, but they are few and far between. They tend to publish nonfiction books by movers and shakers on topics such as culture and politics.

The trend in romance books is to either emasculate or demonize the male characters. Too often, in this leftist book world, the one-dimensional male character’s only discernible traits are those needed to successfully abuse, objectify, and degrade the lead female character. This is surprising, especially when over 80 percent of romance or romantic comedy readers are white women buying books published by mostly white liberal women. So much for the triumphant matriarchy.
Well that sounds just as demeaning to women as it does to men. 15 years ago, there was a British movie made called "An Education" (allegedly based on a "memoir" by Lynn Barber), where the male lead was depicted degradingly in ways not all that different from what the modern novel industry's turning out. Oh, did I mention the movie built on antisemitism in its depiction of the male lead? One could wonder if such films led to the kind of sad situation we're seeing now with alleged romance tales, and it won't be the least bit shocking if there's any out there laced with antisemitism to boot.

While it's admirable Rose is arranging for a conservative-leaning publisher to work on her book, this still demonstrates the hugely disappointing conduct of conservative publishers in the past, if they refused to represent novelists working on romance, comedy or otherwise, among other genres. No doubt, even here in Israel, this has been a severe problem for years. If politics is all they care about, that's dismaying, and did nothing to improve the image of right-wingers or prove they weren't narrow minded. It'll remain to be seen if conservative publishers are willing to reevaluate their conduct and make sure that, if a novelist, right-wing or not, wants to arrange for a romance book to be published by them, they'll do so unreservedly. That way, they can make much needed improvements in their MO.

And what's described about today's novels produced by leftists and the audiences reading them certainly is cause for alarm.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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