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Wednesday, September 11, 2024 

Many who lived through 911 have since suffered terrible illnesses

As many as 23 years after September 11, 2001, when the jihadist organization al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center and murdered nearly 3000 people, there's first responders and civilians from the time who're now suffering illnesses contracted over 2 decades ago during the tragedy:
More than 45,000 people are living with the physical manifestations of the September 11 attacks more than two decades after the tragedy.

At least 45,200 civilians and officers from the FDNY, NYPD and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey are suffering from at least one cancer or disease that has been directly linked to the largest terrorist attack in history.

The whopping total is 1,408% greater than the death toll for the tragedy itself: 2,997 victims were killed in the Twin Tower collapse and aftermath.

The shocking number reflects the amount of victims enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program with verified illnesses — but because the project only recognizes some cancers and diseases, officials warn the true total of sick survivors is much higher.
Read more. Something tells me even Kamala Harris isn't going to do anything to help those who've survived get the medical attention they need. Harris - as anybody who's a realist and watched the debate between her and Donald Trump may have seen - spent a lot of her time telling lies and falsehoods, and clearly is not qualified to be a president. Why, who knows what more disasters could occur if she does become president?

Here's some more info on the history of the 9-11 tragedy:
The whole world experienced the attacks of September 11, 2001, in real time. Videos, photos, and audio captured the horror inflicted by Islamic terrorists and the heroism displayed by ordinary Americans forced onto the frontlines of a sudden new war.

In 2021, to mark the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 and to ensure that future generations never forget, Breitbart News assembled the following visual chronicle of the day that changed the world forever and the two decades of war that followed it.
It's very vital not to forget who the monsters were who committed the horrific offense.

Update: Donald Trump and J.D Vance paid a visit to a NYFD station during the 911 anniversary.

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