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Monday, September 09, 2024 

Supposedly bringing democracy to Iraq only helped the extreme Muslims now living there

Daniel Greenfield discusses how certain left-led governments are bringing back totalitarian regimes, and along the way, it's told, eyebrow-raisingly enough:
The only thing free about any of this is that there are still elections and people are still allowed to vote in them. But democracy, as residents of North Korea’s Democratic People’s Republic of Korea could tell you if they had any free speech, isn’t actually freedom. Bringing democracy to Iraq just turned it into a totalitarian Islamic state run by the Shiite majority. In actual free countries, people have more political freedom than just casting a ballot once every few years.
In other words, we have a situation that isn't all that different from Afghanistan, where perverse Islamists were those allowed to run the government, until their fellow Islamists, the Taliban, were able to reconquer following the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal. And it wouldn't be shocking if the Taliban's okay with sexual violence against both sexes, despite what may have been claimed before about their supposedly being against it. And since we're on the subject, much as I'd like to say Ronald Reagan was an admirable fellow, the following history points out that regrettably, the way he approached the issue of Soviet Russia did not apply to the Religion of Peace as well. As if we're actually supposed to make a choice between ideologies.

So long as lenience on the Religion of Peace continues, the terrible problems will never be solved.

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