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Saturday, August 31, 2024 

Anti-Israel demonstrators in Chicago used anti-female slurs

A police official in Chicago indicated that the pro-Hamas mob that turned up there during the DNC was alarmingly vulgar:
Addressing the treatment of his officers during the protests, Chief Snelling spoke passionately about the harassment they endured, particularly the female officers who faced appalling verbal abuse.

"I just need to say this for our officers, especially our female officers," said Snelling. "The vicious, nasty, sexually explicit things that were said to those women: absolutely disgusting. I have women in my family, and the anger that I felt. But let me tell you, the pride that I have for those women who dealt with that, took it, did not lose their cool and the officers that didn't lose theirs. Understand these are human beings. Somebody's mother, someone's daughter, sister, aunt, niece, spoken to in that way. But they stood their ground, and they did what they had to do."

Earlier in the evening, some demonstrators set an American flag on fire in the street as the celebratory roll call for Vice President Kamala Harris took place inside the United Center about two miles away.
I'd once noticed a video on X showing some of these same monsters using racist slurs against black police officers in NYC, and this proves the pro-Hamas monsters are misogynist as well. What this whole abominable incident makes clear in addition is that the parents of the thugs are failures. And as for Chicago, it's clear they're following NYC down the drain.

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