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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 

Anti-Israel demonstrators continue to antagonize the Democrat party in Chicago

It started on Sunday, when they first convened, and despite the Democrats' current associations with anti-Israel sources, similar movements did not stay away from causing chaos outside the Chicago convention:
Chicago police officers clad in riot gear clashed with a crowd of anti-Israel protesters on Tuesday evening as other demonstrators set an American flag on fire, the incidents happening the second night of the Democrat National Convention (DNC).

In one clip, a crowd chanting, “Free, free Palestine” gathered around a protester who set the U.S. flag ablaze. When a reporter named Ben Bergquam stepped forward and tried to grab the flag out of the flames, a protester appeared to shove him.

“Don’t burn the American flag!” the reporter said, to which the protester replied, “Fuck this country! Burn it down!”:

As the officers, wearing blue helmets, marched through the leftist protesters, some of the activists held up signs that read, “End US Aid to Israel!” “Democrats Drop Bombs and Faux Promises,” and “Gaza Means Fight Back.” It is important to note that the Israeli consulate is located nearby.
The thugs definitely pose a danger there too. That aside, I have no interest in visiting Chicago with the way mayor Brandon Johnson enables these things to happen. And the Democrats' kowtowing to these monsters is despicable.

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