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Tuesday, August 13, 2024 

Iranian woman shot by "morality police" for not wearing hijab

The Iranian mutawas (religious morality police) committed another sadistic act against another woman for not wearing a hijab:
A woman was shot and left paraplegic after she was shot by police for allegedly violating Iran's hijab laws, the BBC reported.

According to the report, in late July, 31-year-old Arezoo Badri was accosted by police who attempted to pull her over and confiscate her car as she was driving home, allegedly because she was not covering her hair correctly at an earlier time. When she did not pull over, the police shot at her, striking her in the lungs and spine.

The incident occurred in the city of Noor in northern Iran.

A source familiar with the case told the BBC, "She is paralysed from the waist down, and doctors have said it will take months to determine whether she will be permanently paraplegic or not."
There's more horrifying news about this here:
The incident occurred amid a renewed crackdown by Iranian authorities on women defying the nation's compulsory dress code. Police had recently announced measures, including CCTV, to identify female drivers failing to cover their heads and confiscating vehicles carrying female passengers with uncovered hair. [...]

Colonel Ahmed Amini, Noor's police chief, told Iran's state-run news agency that the use of firearms was permitted under Iranian law. He stated that the driver did not comply with the order to stop, prompting the officers to shoot. The police chief did not name Badri in his statement.
And the worst part is:
BBC reported that after she was shot, Arezoo was taken to a hospital in Noor followed by one in provincial capital Sari before being taken to a hospital in Tehran. The bullet inside her body was removed only after 10 days.
This is abominable. So Iranian totalitarians are allowed to use deadly force over something so petty, which also appears to be the reason the bullet wasn't removed immediately? That's utterly obscene, and something must be done to put an end to the Iranian regime by now. What the totalitarians in Iran did has doubtless cost an innocent and defenseless woman her walking ability, and it's absolutely terrible.

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