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Saturday, August 10, 2024 

LGBTQ teacher with antisemitic record hired by LA elementary school

This is most disgusting if not shocking news, though also appalling is how "pronoun propaganda" makes its way into this same article:
Fairburn Elementary School in Westwood, Los Angeles, is facing scrutiny following the appointment of Skye Tooley as a new 5th grade teacher. Tooley, who identifies as an "autistic trans demiboy non-binary" and is known for their outspoken inflammatory views, has sparked concerns about the potential impact on students.

Parents are voicing their alarm after discovering Tooley's social media posts, which include inflammatory statements and promises to infuse their controversial perspectives into the classroom.
The objectionable error made here is using the pronoun "their", which does not make clear whether this is a man or woman we're dealing with here. If it's a man, they should say so. If it's a woman, ditto. Does the paper realize how this confusion only helps the enemies of the 5th column LGBTQ movement?
One parent wrote, "I am horrified to learn that Skye Tooley has been hired as a new 5th grade teacher." In addition, they "promises to teach 10 and 11-year-olds to 'unlearn Zionist propaganda' that says Hamas is a 'terrorist organization.'" The parents said Tooley's call for a "Free Palestine from the river to the sea" is not just politically charged; rather, it's a genocidal slogan that has no place in schools.

On July 4, Tooley posted infographics on Instagram, including one that said, "Stop the genocide," and captioned the post "F*ck the 4th." On May 6, they shared a post that said, "Escalate for Gaza!"
So whoever this monster is, he or she is also anti-American and foul-mouthed. No shock there either. This is a very poor role model for children, in addition to the vile antisemitism and misogyny this character represents. And tragically, the school board will likely never get this creep off their payroll.

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