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Monday, August 05, 2024 

Jabotinsky's legacy is crucial for fighting Iran

According to this Jerusalem Post editorial, which discusses the depressing realization that Iran could attack Israel any moment:
For the second time in months, Israelis are sitting, waiting, and twiddling their thumbs, as Iran and its proxies have promised to exact revenge on the Jewish state in response to the deaths of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh – who was assassinated in Tehran early Wednesday in an alleged Israeli operation – and the killing of senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr, who was targeted in Beirut.

Where and when this grand act of revenge will occur is proving challenging to estimate. Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence that Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’av next week. Other reports quote US and Israeli security officials as saying that the attack may come as early as today, leaving Israelis in limbo.

The promised retaliation threatens to be far, far greater than that when Iran directly attacked Israel for the first time in April. Then, 300 missiles and drones were launched at Israel. But with the promise of assistance from Hezbollah and the Yemen-based Houthis this time, the attack could be much, much larger and much more dangerous.

This is a genuinely worrying time for Israelis, many of whom will be too young to remember the Second Intifada or have only known military operations taking place on Israel’s periphery. Under normal circumstances, people could expect to look to their leader to provide strength, guidance, and cohesion, but that is proving to be a damp squib. So, if we cannot look to the present for inspiration, what about the past?

Sunday marked Jabotinsky Day, a national holiday celebrated annually to commemorate the life and vision of the Zionist leader. But what, if anything, can be learned from the former chief of Revisionist Zionism during these trying times?

Ze’ev Jabotinsky was a towering figure in Zionist history who championed visionary ideas for his time and remains profoundly relevant today. His advocacy for a strong, defensible Jewish state was driven by the pressing need to protect Jews from rising antisemitism in Europe. He emphasized the necessity of a robust defense system and a proud national identity, both of which are acutely relevant in today’s geopolitical landscape. [...]

Jabotinsky’s advocacy for military strength, strategic alliances, and national pride offers a blueprint for navigating the complexities of modern threats, particularly from Iran. By adhering to these principles, Israel can increasingly maintain its security and sovereignty in the region. Drawing on Jabotinsky’s legacy will be essential as the country continues to confront Iran’s nuclear ambitions and regional hostility.
Yes, it will. For now, let's hope the Israeli defense system is ready for what's bound to come.

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