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Sunday, July 28, 2024 

Male victim of Hamas rapists recounts horrifying experience

The UK Mail has a report (via Israel National News) about a male victim of the Hamas rapists who was lucky to survive, now telling of the horror he went through:
A man who was held down and gang raped by Hamas terrorists at the Nova festival has told the MailOnline that he was used as their 'doll' where they did whatever they wanted to him.

Speaking on condition of anonymity nine months after the attack, the former tennis coach painstakingly recounted his horrific ordeal on October 7, said how it has left him feeling dirty with shame, and told how he has gained a large amount of weight from the trauma.

'D' – identified only by an initial - says he is still unsure whether it would have been better to have been killed, rather than to have survived the horror.
If you have a strong stomach, read more. But for now, this can serve as proof of the double-standards in Islam on homosexuality, and even transsexuality by extension. Maybe this is why quite a few LGBT movements in the USA have little or no issue with the Religion of Peace. Let's also recall what Afghan tyrants were doing to children in past decades, while the USA government/military refused to do anything about it, in what counts as a most humiliating moment for anybody who thinks conservatives can do a better job than liberals on security issues.

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