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Saturday, July 27, 2024 

The transcript of Netanyahu's speech to Congress

Here's a transcript of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on the 24th of July (via Daniel Pipes). It makes for very recommended reading.

Update: and here's also an important article about 4 survivors of the sexual violence committed by the Hamas minions on October 7, 2023.

Update 2: here's also a Jerusalem Post editorial about the disgusting leftists who attacked Noa Argamani for accompanying the prime minister to D.C:
Recently rescued from the horrors of Hamas captivity, Argamani’s decision to accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington on Monday has sparked a fiery debate.

Critics accuse her of being a pawn in a political game, but this perspective overlooks a fundamental truth: Argamani, above all, deserves the autonomy to make her own decisions.

Among the harsh criticisms, journalist Uri Misgav wrote, “Noa Argamani and her father should be ashamed until their last day for agreeing to serve as a backdrop for this crazy and smiling couple’s flight, especially on the morning we learned of two more captives who were unlucky enough to die in captivity and not fly to Washington with the captives’ abandoner. A shame like no other.”

Overlooking Argamani's personal struggle

Another critic, veteran journalist Dan Margalit, echoed these sentiments, posting on X, “Joining Uri Misgav, shame on Noa Argamani and her father for willingly serving as a backdrop for Bibi’s display in Washington.”

To those who criticize Argamani’s participation in Netanyahu’s trip, we pose this question: Who are we to judge? The ordeal of captivity is unimaginable. The trauma, the constant fear, and the longing for freedom are experiences that no one can fully comprehend unless they have walked in those shoes. For Argamani, every decision she makes now is deeply personal and rooted in her quest for meaning and justice for the hostages still languishing in Gaza – and for her own recovery.

It is important to recognize the historical significance of this trip. The potential outcome – the release of 120 hostages – cannot be understated. Argamani’s presence is not just symbolic; it is a powerful reminder of the human lives at stake. Critics argue that she is being used by Netanyahu, but even if there is a political undertone, the ultimate goal remains noble. The liberation of hostages should transcend political divides and be a cause that unites us all.

Argamani’s critics should also consider the broader implications of their attacks. Unity, especially in times of conflict, is paramount. The venomous words directed at her serve only to deepen divisions and detract from the collective goal of securing the release of all hostages. Instead of tearing down a survivor who has already endured so much, we should rally behind her, offering support and solidarity.

Moreover, Argamani’s decision to join this trip is not just about politics; it is about leveraging every possible platform to advocate for those still in captivity. Her boyfriend remains among the hostages. Her presence in Washington is an opportunity to amplify her plea for their release. It is a chance for her to speak directly to those in power, to ensure that the plight of the hostages is not forgotten amidst political maneuvering.
And she has the right to make her own decisions. The journalists who attacked her have no business working in the profession they've disgraced.

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