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Sunday, July 28, 2024 

12 children in a Druze village in the Golan Heights murdered by Hezbollah rocket fire

The continuing attacks by the Hezbollah in Lebanon have resulted in a tragedy where 12 children of Druze descent were murdered at a soccer field in the Golan Heights:
Twelve children and teenagers were killed from a direct hit on a football field in Majdal Shams, a village located in the northern Golan Heights, with at least 30 more injured. Residents in the northern Golan and Upper Galilee have been instructed to stay close to protected areas.

Military sources estimate that a rocket landed on the football field where the children were present. The deadly impact has led to special preparations within the IDF, with senior officials indicating that they are preparing for a significant response following the tragic event.

These are their names:

Fajer Laith Abu Saleh, 16

Ameer Rabeea Abu Saleh, 16

Hazem Akram Abu Saleh, 15

Johnny Wadeea Ibrahim, 13

Iseel Nasha'at Ayoub, 12

Vinees Adham Alsafadi, 11

Yazan Nayeif Abu Saleh, 12

Alma Ayman Fakher Eldin, 11

Naji Taher Alhalabi, 11

Milad Muadad Alsha'ar, 10

Magen David Adom (MDA) reported that paramedics treated those critically injured, aged 10 to 20, some of whom were transferred to local clinics. Evacuation helicopters, ambulances, and intensive care units were dispatched to the scene.
Making matters worse was the BBC's coverage of this tragedy:
The BBC has been condemned for its reporting of Saturday’s deadly Hezbollah rocket attack on Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.

The BBC’s article about the attack was headlined: “Ten dead in rocket attack on Israeli-occupied Golan.”

The headline, which was altered after a few hours, did not refer to Hezbollah, the Druze community, or that the rocket struck children playing football, while it appeared to imply a political justification for the killings.

The strike – which killed 12 young people aged 10-20 years old playing football in the Druze village – marks the deadliest day in Israel since October 7. The IDF has since identified the rocket fired from Lebanon as an Iranian-made weapon.

People were swift to slam the BBC coverage of the tragedy.
What it makes clear is that the BBC is no more respectable of the memory of people of Arabic descent than they are of Israelis. A most truly repulsive TV news channel.

Now, the government/military will have to really prove they can go to war with the Hezbollah if they want to make the area safe again. An attack on the terrorist cell inside Lebanon is long overdue.

Update: actor Sacha Baron-Cohen agrees that the BBC's coverage of the tragedy is offensive.

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