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Tuesday, July 30, 2024 

Court ruling states UCLA must protect Jewish students

An important ruling's been made by a California court in regards to Jewish students threatened by antisemitic attendants at UCLA:
A federal judge has ordered the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to create a plan to protect Jewish students following pro-Palestinian protests that erupted on campus in recent months, the Associated Press reports.

The ruling comes after three Jewish students sued UCLA in June, alleging discrimination amid demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war. Yitzchok Frankel, a UCLA law student, stated in the lawsuit that he declined an invitation from the director of student life to help host a lunch gathering due to safety concerns.

"Under ordinary circumstances, I would have leapt at the chance to participate in this event," Frankel said. "My Jewish identity and religion are integral to who I am, and I believe it is important to mentor incoming students and encourage them to be proud of their Judaism, too."

The lawsuit alleged discrimination during pro-Palestinian protests, which included the establishment of a "Jew-free zone." Frankel argued that UCLA failed to foster a safe environment for Jewish students on campus. The university has been directed to submit a proposed plan by next month, according to AP.
As I may have noted, the students under threat should contact police no matter the response of the university management. Such assault is wrong, and anybody who would act violent over blood libels and such has to be arrested, and cannot be allowed to set foot on the university grounds ever again. Let's hope all concerned will keep their eyes on how the UCLA goes about business after this.

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