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Saturday, August 03, 2024 

3 Muslims in France indicted for plotting murder of Romani and Christian residents

Three Muslims in France were arrested and indicted for plotting to murder Roma citizens, and the monsters even tried using the koran to justify their behavior (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
Three 18-year-olds are suspected of having participated in the plan to kidnap and murder a father and son from the Traveler community.

Three young men were indicted by an anti-terrorism judge at the end of May, suspected of having participated in a plan to kidnap and murder two Roma people, AFP learned this Wednesday, July 31, from sources close to the case. Their plan was discovered by investigators while they were tracking down another violent plan, according to the same sources.

Aged 18, they are suspected of having participated in the plan to kidnap and murder a father and son belonging to the traveling community “using the codes of jihadist propaganda,” according to a police summary seen by AFP. They are also accused of having considered planting an Islamic State flag on a castle or burning down a police station, according to the police summary.

They were indicted for criminal terrorist association and then placed under judicial supervision at the end of May, according to several sources close to the case. This case, now two-part, began with the identity check of an 18-year-old in front of a CBD store, who was then arrested in July 2023. Investigators discovered the existence of a Snapchat group, where he discussed with other men the idea of attacking an employee of this store, whom they nicknamed “the Christian,” because he posted videos on the theme of religion, according to several sources close to the case.

Since his arrest, five other men have been indicted, these same sources indicated. Among them, a man, imprisoned, was wiretapped, according to one of these sources. Investigators then discovered that he seemed to be developing another violent project: one targeting Roma people. He spoke with the recently arrested suspects, comrades from his village in Gard, according to another source close to the case. In addition to his indictment on the “Christian” section, he was indicted this winter on this second section, according to a source close to the case. His lawyer, Orly Rezlan, declined to comment.

At the end of May, in police custody, one of the young people placed under judicial supervision explained that he had been “terrorized” by this man, who said he wanted to kill “gypsies” by “quoting the Qur’an” and wanted to distribute videos of him. His lawyer, Ilyacine Maallaoui, declined to comment. For Emanuel de Dinechin, another defense lawyer, “the investigating judge has a lot of work to do to differentiate the profiles in this case, where not all are involved to the same degree and not all are committed to an Islamist ideology.”
These same ogres are also plotting the same evils against Jews, lest we forget.

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