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Friday, August 02, 2024 

Airline attendants are now helping Islamic terrorists

In the over 2 decades since 9-11, the USA now has the tragedy of having stewards and stewardesses who support Islamic terrorists:
Karen Martin was the first of the flight attendants to be attacked by Islamic terrorists on September 11. While the head flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11 lay bleeding after being stabbed, the rest of her team, Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney, remained collected and provided the first reports about the hijacking. By the time the 9/11 attacks were over, 25 flight attendants would be among the nearly 3,000 killed by Arab Muslim terrorists.

Airline passengers however recently noted the shocking images of some flight attendants wearing PLO pins. Islamic terrorists claiming to represent the cause of the Arab Muslim colonists in Israel who called themselves ‘Palestinians’ had innovated the practice of the mass hijacking of airplanes. There was a direct line between the Dawson’s Field hijacking of four airplanes in 1970 and the hijacking of four airplanes by Al Qaeda on September 11.
What those flight employees are doing is also an utter insult to the memory of the stewards and stewardesses who were murdered by al Qaeda 23 years ago. It's astonishing how far morality's fallen ever since, and unless something is done to vet employees to make sure they don't do this anymore, it'll continue.

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