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Friday, August 02, 2024 

Kamala Harris once pledged to keep transsexual criminals out of jail

An investigation into "vice-president" Harris' past conduct reveals she's not a supporter of women and children's safety:
During her 2020 presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris pledged that she would work to keep transgender criminals out of jail, archived campaign materials reviewed by The Daily Wire reveal.

Harris’ now-inactive campaign website claims that “the LGBTQ+ community is exposed to higher rates of violence and assault in prison, and it is even more so with transgender individuals.” Harris, it says, would work as president to “reduce incarceration of LGBTQ+ individuals.”

“Kamala understands the best way to address the issue is to seek alternatives to incarceration to prevent trans individuals from being incarcerated in the first place,” the site reads. “Kamala would also push to significantly reform our sentencing laws to further reduce sentences.”
And this is how crime is increased to terrifying levels, as has been seen in the past decade, ever since this nonsense became more commonplace. If she's elected president, it'll be the continuation of a fiasco that's had a terrible effect on the world.

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