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Monday, August 05, 2024 

IDF finds tunnel vehicles could go through near border with Egypt

The IDF made more telling discoveries by the Philadelphi Corridor:
The IDF said on Sunday that its troops uncovered a 3-meter (10-foot) high tunnel at the Philadelphi Corridor, big enough for cars to travel through. The tunnel was discovered last week and will be destroyed by forces from the Engineering Corps once the military concludes an investigation of the tunnel and shafts leading to it as well as other underground infrastructure.

The military had claimed that at least 20 tunnels, some leading from the Strip into Egypt, were still in the area after initially saying that some 35 tunnels and 200 shafts were uncovered when the forces took control of the area.

[...] The tunnel system was secretly dug under the command of Mohammed Sinwar, the brother of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. In the tunnel uncovered in the northern Strip troops found video documentation filmed over years including a clip showing Sinwar and his brother driving their jeep through the tunnel while a team of engineers brought in from Khan Younis briefed them on its components.
Here's more news about this:
The IDF located on Sunday dozens of underground Hamas tunnel routes in the area by the Philadelphi Corridor, including one that goes three meters high.

Soldiers are investigating and neutralizing discovered tunnel routes. They have said that they will destroy all underground routes in the area and work to prevent more of them from being constructed in the future.

The reports of the tunnels along the Philadelphi Corridor come more than a week after the IDF destroyed a kilometer-long tunnel in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.
It's just stunning how many tunnels were built by the monsters.

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