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Sunday, August 11, 2024 

Algeria's gender-frauding at Olympics is also anti-Israel

It turns out, most unsurprisingly, that representatives of the Algerian boxer pretending to be a woman at the Olympics with the clear aid of the IOC themselves are also hostile to Israel, and no doubt, he is too:
The head of Algeria’s Olympic Committee is blaming “the Zionist lobby” for the ongoing controversy over the Algerian Olympic boxer who failed IBA gender tests.

Algerian Olympic Committee President Yacine Arab accused Jews and their supporters for the cloud of controversy swirling around the boxer, who many claim is male, according to Israel Hayom.

[...] With a constant stream of questions over boxer Imane Khelif’s gender, Yacine Arab went on the attack, saying, “The Zionist lobby wants to break Khelif’s spirit, but she is strong. They don’t want to see an Arab or Muslim woman succeed in boxing.”
This serves as an example of how Islamic taqqiya (deception) clearly played a role in this atrocity, and that, if and when Islamofascists decide it serves their advantage, they're even willing to pretend a man is a woman, even as they still ostensibly detest LGBTQ ideology.

And no shock all involved in the Emperor's New Clothes atrocity could be as antisemitic as they're misogynist. The Olympics is no longer worth watching at this point, and it's a shame there's currently no competitive organizations being built that could serve as alternatives for challenging sport.

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