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Friday, August 09, 2024 

Hospital report indicates blood libel against guards at Sde Teiman was a fabrication

There was a most embarrassingly bad incident this past week where several soldiers working as guards dealing with Hamas prisoners were arrested for supposedly raping a Hamas terrorist, and when such monsters are already guilty in many ways of the tragedy on October 7, 2023. Now, a report from Hadassah hospital makes clear it was a blood libel to undermine the war against Islamic terror, and the leftists went along with it, hook, line and sinker:
A report from Hadassah Hospital suggests that a Palestinian terror detainee whom critics claimed was raped by Israeli reservists at Sde Teiman prison may instead have hidden an object inside his rectum, thereby causing injury.

The hospital evaluation, reported by Israel’s Channel 14, casts doubt on the sensational claim — which has gone viral in the Arab world — that Israeli reservists sodomized a Palestinian terror detainee who had been arrested in Gaza.

[...] Supporters of the reservists contend that the Palestinian prisoner was injured after trying to smuggle a cellphone into the prison inside his rectum. The Hadassah Hospital report lends weight to that theory. It found that there was no injury to the prisoner’s anus, as would have been consistent with forced insertion of an object, but just internal injury.

Instances of rape by Israeli soldiers are so rare as to be completely undocumented in the history of Middle East wars.
Well the way this case was handled until now was so disgusting and hysterical, it's just plain offensive, especially to the victims of Hamas. Those Israeli legal officials who're allowing this to continue at the guards' expense have to call it off immediately and apologize. It's not the first fabrication of its sort and won't be the last, but that's why some serious improvement is sorely needed.

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