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Wednesday, August 07, 2024 

Kamala Harris picks the awful Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her VP candidate

Kamala Harris has chosen one of the worst politicians in the midwest to run as vice-presidential candidate on the Democrat ticket, and here's one of the worst things he did in his career:
Vice President Kamala Harris’ newly announced running mate — Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz — signed a bill in April of 2023 allowing the state to make custody determinations if a child is denied access to sex-change procedures.

The “Trans Refuge Bill” allows for “temporary emergency jurisdiction” if a parent denies their child sex-change procedures, according to the bill’s text. The bill defines the interventions, which include sex-changes, hormone replacement and cosmetic surgeries, as “medically necessary” so long as it “respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined” by the child.

[...] The bill amends “child custody and child welfare provisions” pertaining to out-of-state laws that would interfere with Minnesota’s “gender-affirming health care” laws.

Minnesota’s bill provided a loophole allowing individuals, including children, from other states to receive transgender treatments and asserted that out-of-state provisions “interfering” with access to these procedures “must not be enforced or applied within the state.” At the same time, Minnesota law gives the state “temporary emergency jurisdiction” to make a custody determination if the child “has been unable to obtain” these transgender treatments.

The bill defined transgender treatments for children as “medically necessary” physical health care or mental health care that “respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient.” This includes interventions that “suppress” the development of their biological sex like hormone therapy, procedures that “align” the patient’s physical body with their “gender identity” through cosmetic surgeries and sex-change surgeries.
What Minnesota's led to under a Democrat leadership is nothing short of horrific. And now this awful man, Walz, could end up being 2nd in the White House, dragging the country down with him, if they're elected. It's utterly awful.

Update: and Walz even pandered to Somali Muslim extremists:
As Somali refugees in Minnesota waged gang wars and engaged in child sex trafficking, Governor Tim Walz pushed for even more refugees to be resettled in his state.

Walz, whom Vice President Kamala Harris tapped as her running mate this week, petitioned the Trump administration to send more refugees to Minnesota in 2019, even though the state already had the highest number of refugees per capita in the United States. The call came as Somali refugees, a large and growing population in Minnesota, resulted in gang warfare, child sex trafficking, and later, hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud.
This too is another chilling problem in Minnesota.

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