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Tuesday, August 06, 2024 

Strauss dairy company offends with "inclusive" alteration to yogurt brand for children

The Strauss dairy company in Israel may have caused anger before by siding with the left on the issue of judicial reform last year, but now they're at it again, altering the language on one of their yogurt brands for children in ways that run the gauntlet of being woke:
The Strauss food giant raised a storm when it changed the logo of a popular children's yogurt to be more "inclusive."

Hebrew has masculine and feminine forms for most words, with the plurals ending in either "ot" (vav tav) for the feminine, or "im" (yud mem) for the masculine. The product in question was previously called "gamadim," meaning dwarfs, gnomes, or midgets, written in the masculine form.

Now, Strauss has altered the logo so that the "yud" can be read as a "yud" or as a "vav," and the final "mem" can be read as a "mem" or as a "tav." Thus, the word can now be read as either "gamadim," or "gamadot."

The company has also set up a web page in which it explains the change and teaches parents how to be more open and blur gender lines in order to achieve what Strauss claims is "gender equality."

Attorney Zofnat Nordmann, Director General of the Forum for Freedom and Human Rights, responded to the change, saying, "Take your filthy hands - yes, great, another one. Take them off my children, but fast. Now. It is unnecessary to state that 'gamadim' will no longer be welcome in our home until the small-but-big logo changes, until the cheese treat goes back to being just a cheese treat instead of an agenda on a spoon, instead of strawberry-flavored filth on language and culture."

Another reader responded, "Strauss is obsessed with going bankrupt. Keep this up, we will do amazingly without your products. The campaigners really are gnomes."

Reader Tal Yogev said, "Until now, the name of this yogurt - in the plural masculine instead of plural feminine - did not discourage me, as a woman, from buying it, nor did I feel less worthy because of it. But now, I feel like Strauss is trying to educate me, or even worse - they are trying to educate my children."

She added, "If you think that I am exaggerating, ask yourselves how bothered you are by those who try to make people more religious, or by religious coercion in public spaces. Promoting a progressive agenda on children's channels (such as transgenders on Nikelodeon), on news channels, in advertisements, in children's books - that is coercion. So is promoting a political agenda in clothing stores (yes, I'm looking at you, Harel Vizel (CEO of Fox-Vizel - ed.)) or at banks - it's not okay, but that is already a discussion for another time."

"I have a question, Strauss: If we are already discussing political correctness and equality, did you know that 'dwarves' is a really insulting word? You need to say, 'those who are short,' mind you."
Well, I guess it's time once again to boycott their products. Some leftists in Israel seem very disturbingly obsessed with instantly mimicking the propaganda coming out of the USA, and this appears to be yet another example. In that case, we could certainly do without their dairy items until they're willing to apologize for this atrocious turn to more PC.

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