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Sunday, August 11, 2024 

UK Labour member arrested for encouraging violence against right-wingers

While the UK is certainly in dire straits now, after the outrage that came up when 3 girls were murdered by a man whose background is unclear at a Taylor Swift event in Merseyside, some common sense amazingly took place after what a Labour member did at a rally:
57-year-old Ricky Jones has been arrested and charged with with one count of encouraging violent disorder, the Crown Prosecution Service has said. The arrest follows the publication of footage purportedly recorded at a “message of peace” rally held by left-wing activists in Walthamstow on Wednesday, where a man appeared to make a “gesture to encourage others to act violently towards far-right protestors.”

A man introduced to the crowd as a trade unionist and handed the microphone by the protest convenor told those present about information he’d received from railway industry colleagues alleging the placement of razor-blades on trains to cause injury to staff and the public. Responding to this news, the man was recorded to have said: “…these people don’t give a shit about who they hurt… they are disgusting, nasty fascists. We need to cut all their throats, and get rid of them all”, while making a gesture of drawing his finger across his throat.

Subsequently, the Labour Party said they had withdrawn the whip from one of their elected politicians, a Kent Councillor, named as Ricky Jones. The party said then: “This behaviour is completely unacceptable and it will not be tolerated. The councillor has been suspended from the party.”
Even so, the direction the UK is going in under Keir Starmer is very bad, as it looks like he's turning the isle into a police state, as indicated here, and also in this article. This alone does not prove the situation won't get worse.

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