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Monday, August 12, 2024 

The list of bad Hollywood actors continues

Over in Hollywood, another actor, Gabriel Olds, who appeared most tellingly on at least a few pretentious TV shows was arrested for sexual violence:
Actor Gabriel Olds was arrested on Wednesday and charged with seven felony counts of sexual assault. The Hollywood actor — who has appeared on Criminal Minds, NCIS, and Law & Order, among other shows — was also accused of using his fame to lure victims.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) said Olds, who is currently being held on $3.5 million bail, used his fame and Yale University alumnus status to coax his victims, many of whom he found on dating apps, according to a report by Fox News.

Authorities added that a 41-year-old woman had initially accused the CSI actor of raping her in her home in January 2023. After that, two other women came forward alleging similar situations — dating as far back as 2013.

These victims all described “consensual dating encounters that descended into violent sexual assault,” Fox News reported.

On July 19, a warrant was issued for Olds’ arrest. The Cold Case actor was then taken into custody on Wednesday.
It was bad enough when L&O's Christopher Noth was accused of sexual assault. Now, another actor who took part in the production turns out to be awful too. Hopefully, he'll face more serious justice in court soon enough.

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