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Monday, August 19, 2024 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad nearly committed a terrorist attack

There was an attempted terrorist attack in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, that miraculously wound up botched:
Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed joint responsibility Monday for a bombing the day before in Tel Aviv that killed the apparent attacker and wounded a bystander and that Israeli officials confirmed was a terrorist attack.

The bomb appeared to go off before it was intended, and the presumed attacker was shown in security footage walking down the street wearing a large backpack just before the explosion, according to the Associated Press. Israeli media quoted police officials as saying the intended target was a nearby synagogue.

In a statement Monday, Hamas’ militant wing said it and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s militant wing were responsible for the blast.
And this makes clear they're still a danger in the sense they can send minions into Jewish neighborhoods and cause horror. It's miraculous this attack didn't work, but if the security forces aren't vigilant, it could tragically occur.

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