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Monday, August 19, 2024 

SNP suspends member who defended Israel

There are some decent members of the otherwise corrupt Scottish National Party, but unfortunately, it's clear, based on the following incident, that the higher echelons in the party don't accept it, and want to destroy all reason:
A Scottish MSP has been suspended by his party after stating that Israel is not committing genocide in Gaza.

John Mason, who represents Glasgow Shettleston, wrote on X: "If Israel wanted to commit genocide, they would have killed ten times as many."

Mason was quickly suspended as the Whip of the SNP Party following his comment, which was made in response to a controversy over Scottish Foreign Minister Angus Robertson's meeting with the deputy ambassador of Israel in the UK, Daniela Grudsky, which angered many in the SNP Party.

After his suspension, Mason reiterated his position and told Sky News, "It's never my intention to upset people, but I'm not afraid of upsetting people in the sense of if I think something important needs to be said."

"It's the point of, you know, if Israel actually wanted to commit genocide, it would be a lot worse than it is. I think it's a valid point, and I stand by that."

SNP called Mason's statement "utterly abhorrent" and accused him of "flippantly dismiss[ing] the death of more than 40,000 Palestinians," citing the casualty figures provided by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry.
So not only do they turn against somebody for defending Israel from the enemy, they even rely entirely upon what the Hamas says, not Israel. Nor does it matter that Hamas attacked first on October 7, 2023. And clearly, Israel's not allowed to prove its innocence. The SNP clearly isn't all that different from the now resigned First Minister, Humza Yousaf. Let's also not forget how, under Nicola Sturgeon, they went miles out of their way to endanger women with transsexual ideology forced upon the public. And who knows if the SNP can ever be voted out with the way things are going in Britain now?

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