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Saturday, August 17, 2024 

"Lawfare" is now being waged by Olympic fraudsters

The Algerian gender-fraudster at the Olympic games is now going after J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk:
J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk have been named in a criminal complaint to French authorities over “acts of aggravated cyber harassment” against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, NBC reports. The complaint centers on “bullying” over Khelif’s gender, which allegedly “greatly affected” the boxer, who won a Gold Medal in the women’s 66 kg class. The bullying refers to online comments from Rowling, that men beating up women had become an Olympic sport; Riley Gaines stating that men don’t belong in women’s sports, and Donald Trump saying that he would keep men out of women’s sports.

Nabil Boudi, Khelif’s attorney, told reporters that the lawsuit “could target personalities overseas,” and that prosecutors dealing with “online hate speech has the possibility to make requests for mutual legal assistance with other countries.” As Boudi helpfully clarifies, this is all about punishing free speech.

Female impersonator bullies like Khelif seek to force compliance with their reality dysphoria by creating offenses such as “misgendering” for simple recognition of biological truth
. If someone criticizes gender fakery, the parties in question are not the target of “hate speech” and not “oppressed” in any fashion. The gender benders are the bullies and oppressors, and another dynamic is in play.

Men who beat up women are gutless cowards, what previous generations called “chickenshit” without the slightest embarrassment, and they also qualify as underachievers
. For example, the former William Thomas was mediocre at best on the men’s swim team at Penn. Against women, with his rudder still intact, he does much better, and the NCAA sanctions the fraud. When swimmer Riley Gaines attempts to make her case, she becomes the target of outright assault. [...]

As the criminal complaint against J.K. Rowling, Elon Musk, and “personalities overseas” confirms, the trans movement aims to bully the people into giving up their right to free speech. Instead of backing off, the people would be wise to go on the offensive.
It would be strongly advised for anybody who recognizes why this is offensive to free speech to start launching a countersuit against ghouls like the Algerian boxer. If this is how taqqiya-espousing men like him are going to act, then even pro-Israel advocates must speak out, even at lawsuit courts.

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