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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 

Britain under Keir Starmer could adopt "blasphemy law" to criminalize criticism of Islam

Orwellianism in the guise of Keir Starmer's new Labour-led government looms again, all for the sake of the Religion of Peace:
Britain’s far-left government, under prime minister Keir Starmer, is preparing to introduce a blasphemy law that will criminalize criticism of Islam, following civil unrest sparked by uncontrolled illegal immigration and the Islamization of the United Kingdom.

The National Secular Society (NSS) warned Tuesday that “adopting an ‘Islamophobia’ definition will inflame, rather than dispel, community tensions and division” and “undermine the right of those oppressed by fundamentalist religion to speak out, including women, LGBT people, and those who hold different religion and beliefs.”

The NSS letter to Angela Rayner, deputy prime minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, also warned that adopting the definition will “increase pressure” on the government to adopt other “religion-phobia” definitions.
Obviously, this is already very bad long ago. But what's really chilling is the support these kind of laws get from Christian sources:
While atheists and secularists such as Peter Tatchell, Richard Dawkins, and Pragna Patel are strongly opposing the introduction of a blasphemy law, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) have equated Islamophobia and racism in their public statements.

In 2020, Bp. Paul McAleenan, the CBCEW’s lead bishop for migrants and refugees, issued a statement calling Catholics in Britain to “oppose racism in all its manifestations.” McAleenan defined “Islamophobia” as one of the “different forms” of racism.

Earlier, Bp. John Arnold of the Diocese of Salford said that Catholic schools would seek to combat “Islamophobia” as a way to help Muslims to integrate into British society.
What that representative says is head-shaking, considering followers of the Religion of Peace have shown no interest whatsoever in integrating. Making matters worse is how a religion is claimed to be the same as race, when it's not. Pope Francis is also on board with this position:
Responding to the 2015 massacre of 17 people by three jihadis in Paris following French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s publication of cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, Pope Francis appeared to endorse a blasphemy law protecting Islam from criticism.

Referring to Alberto Gasparri, who organizes the pontiff’s trips and was standing by his side on board the papal plane, Francis said: “If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch.”

“It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others,” the pope added.
Utterly chilling, right down to how he runs the gauntlet of validating violent behavior. If anybody in the countries where Christianity once had big influence in Europe has grown disillusioned with the faith, this is precisely why. Most horrifying is the thought these pseudo-Christians believe Islam is a valid successor to Christianity. Let's also recall a historian noting that these alleged Christians would also be against adapting Betty Mahmoody's biography to film today. No wonder we've come down to such a dire situation. This is why I've argued in the past that if Judaists are serious, they'll try to encourage Europeans with common sense to convert to Judaism, and even Buddhism, Hinduism and Shintoism can be worth considering.

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