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Tuesday, August 27, 2024 

Another hostage rescued

A man of Bedouin descent who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023, was rescued from captivity:
One more Israeli hostage has been rescued.

The Israel Defense Force and Israel Security Agency announced Tuesday that another hostage taken during the Oct. 7 terrorist attack has been rescued.

"The IDF and ISA have rescued Qaid Farhan Alkadi from Gaza where he was held hostage, and brought him to his family in Israel. This operation was part of the IDF’s daring and courageous activities conducted deep inside the Gaza strip," said Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant.

"This operation joins a series of actions taken by the IDF that bring us closer to achieving the goals of this war," Gallant continued. "I would like to reiterate and emphasize: Israel is committed to taking advantage of every opportunity to return the hostages home to Israel."

Qaid Farhan Alkadi from Rahat was reportedly rescued by a mixed company of Israeli combatants, including members of the 401st Brigade, 162nd Division, and Shayetet 13.
Here's more of the rescued hostage's account:
President Isaac Herzog spoke this evening with Qaid Farhan al-Qadi, a resident of Rahat who was abducted on October 7th and rescued today by security forces from captivity in Gaza. Qaid Farhan is currently receiving treatment at Soroka University Medical Center.

The President emotionally said to him: “Dear Farhan, how moving it is to hear your voice! Our brother has come home. Our brother has returned!”

Farhan thanked the President and responded: “I am grateful to the State of Israel, to the army, who came. People are suffering there. Do everything you can to bring people home. Work 24 hours, don’t sleep until they return. People are really suffering, you can’t imagine. Suddenly, I heard someone speaking Hebrew outside the door, I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it. I thank you very much. This is thanks to our army, they are doing a sacred duty, risking their lives. Thank you very much, Mr. President.”
The man is fortunate to be rescued after nearly a year in captivity. This is a prime example of how people of Arabic background aren't immune to Islamic tyranny, no matter their own religious upbringing. Now, this man's lucky to return to his family alive.

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