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Monday, August 26, 2024 

Very close call

The Hezbollah was planning a massive rocket attack on Israel, and the IDF thankfully was able to take preemptive measures to thwart it:
The Israel Air Force attacked targets in Lebanon overnight, in response to signs that Shi’ite terrorist organization Hezbollah was about to launch a missile and UAV attack on Israel. In an update early this morning, IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said, "A short time ago we identified preparations by Hezbollah to launch missiles and rockets at the Sate of Israel. Following this, we are attacking on our own initiative in order to remove the threat to Israel’s citizens. Israel Air Force aircraft are now attacking terrorist targets in Lebanon from which we have identified that Hezbollah was gearing up to launch threats at our territory."
Here's some more:
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Sunday that it had hit “thousands” of Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon in a pre-dawn preemptive strike to thwart an attack on Tel Aviv. Lebanon reported one dead in the attack.

In a statement, the IDF said:

Approximately 100 [Israel Air Force] fighter jets, directed by IDF intelligence, struck and destroyed thousands of Hezbollah rocket launcher barrels that were located and embedded in southern Lebanon. Most of these launchers were aimed toward northern Israel and some were aimed toward central Israel. More than 40 launch areas in Lebanon were struck during the strikes.

The Lebanese media reported one dead in the attack, according to the Times of Israel.
They did the right thing to make a preemptive strike against these installations. It's chilling to think of the horror that could've resulted if the Hezbollah had managed to launch a huge barrage at Israeli targets. Even Jerusalem can't be considered safe from these monstrous weapons. To Benjamin Netanyahu's further credit, he says it's not over, and they'll keep going after the Hezbollah:
"Nasrallah in Beirut and Khamenei in Tehran should know that this is another step on the way to change the situation in the north and return our residents safely to their homes," Netanyahu added. "And I repeat – this is not the end of the story."
Just like the Hamas must eliminated, so too must the Hezbollah be eliminated.

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