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Thursday, August 22, 2024 

Vladimir Putin goes to Azerbaijan

Russia's autocrat, who pointlessly started a war with Ukraine all for the sake of it, is now visiting Azerbaijan, and they don't seem to have any issue with it:
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Azerbaijan on Sunday for a two-day state visit, looking to bolster Russia’s relationship with the aggressive Islamist power even as relations with Armenia — Russia’s former best friend in the region — deteriorate.

Azerbaijan is on the relatively short list of countries Putin can visit safely, as he faces an outstanding warrant for his arrest on war crimes charges related to his invasion of Ukraine. Azerbaijan is not a signatory to the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC), so it has no legal obligation to arrest him

Putin’s visit comes at a bad moment for Russian military pride, as Ukraine is now almost three weeks into a surprising border incursion that has brought several Russian towns under Kyiv’s control. Armenia already had a very low opinion of Russia’s ability to protect vulnerable borders.

The Armenians are seething because Russia did not lift a finger to prevent Azerbaijan from seizing, and ethnically cleansing, the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region in September 2023. Russia deployed “peacekeepers” to the area after brokering a truce in the Armenia-Azerbaijan war of 2020, but they merely stood by and watched as Azeri troops rolled in, then packed up their gear and headed off for the front lines in Ukraine.

Nagorno-Karabakh was rated the most unfree region in the entire world by Freedom House six months after the Azerik conquest. Freedom House noted the Armenian Christian population was already sick, hungry, impoverished, and terrorized from a brutal Azeri blockade before the conquering army rolled in and forced most of them to flee.
And the disgusting "reporter" Rachel Avraham made things worse by acting as an apologist for a country adhering to the Religion of Peace. One must wonder if she thinks Putin's associations with Azerbaijan are as acceptable as their taqqiya (deception). Severe damage has been done, and you can be sure the Democrats in the USA won't lift a finger in Armenia's defense.

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