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Sunday, August 25, 2024 

Because of Harris as much as Biden, women in Afghanistan have become oppressed

Daniel Greenfield describes how "vice president" Kamala Harris has a role in the disaster that befell Afghan women after USA troops withdrew disastrously 3 years ago:
While the DNC was wrapping up its faux feminist coronation of Kamala, the Taliban had wrapped their celebration of the defeat of America and the Afghanistan government with a parade of military hardware stolen from us which was then capped with a proclamation banning women from speaking in public.

Or looking a man in the eye

Taliban leaders in Afghanistan have ordered fresh limitations on women, forbidding them from singing, reciting poetry or speaking aloud in public and mandating them to keep their faces and bodies covered at all times.

Women also are not allowed to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa.

Another article prohibits playing music in public transport, the travel of female passengers unless accompanied by a male guardian, and the mingling of unrelated men and women.

This is the difference between actual feminism and a farce that reduces feminism to abortion.

When Kamala first ran for president, she claimed that she would protect gains for Afghan women and girls. Instead, she was the ‘last person in the room’ on Biden’s disastrous withdrawal policy that led to the collapse of Afghanistan.
This abominable, and since we're on the subject, it's one of the reasons I'm so disgusted with how the ultra-Orthodox clans like Satmar are against women singing. They may have gotten the idea from Islam, but the MO of the Satmar and such, if Islamofascists are aware of it, no doubt made them think Israelis aren't serious about protecting women's dignity, and if were okay for the Haredis to impose restrictions on singing, the Taliban believed it was okay to do even worse. That's why any ultra-Orthodox opposition to women singing has to be condemned, because it damages the ability to make distinctions between Judaist and Islamist.

That aside, Harris is a disgrace and embarrassment, based on how she lacks ability to lead, and if she's elected, it's clear she'll continue that way.

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