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Tuesday, September 20, 2005 

What is Charles Bronfman's connection to and influence of Israeli politics?

Well, as this page for starters points out, this millionaire from Canada made illegal campaign contributions to Ehud Barak when the latter was running for prime minister in Israel circa 1999. As it says here from one of the news excerpts:

Associations Registrar Amiram Bogat has begun investigating suspicions that Canadian-Jewish millionaire Charles Bronfman contributed an illegal $500,000 to the Barak campaign last year.

Journalist Yoav Yitzchak wrote in Globes yesterday that the money was apparently funneled via one of the associations working for the election of Ehud Barak. The existence of this contribution was reportedly hidden intentionally from the State Comptroller, whose investigation of the Labor party and Barak campaigns several months ago led to a 13.7-million shekel fine on the Labor party and the opening of a police investigation.

Interestingly enough, this Amiram Bogat was later fired by Tommy Lapid, when Lapid served later as an interior minister. The reason was that Bogat was investigating so-called "peace organizations" in Israel, and Lapid did not want their funding to be investigated.

Nobody with sense wants a biased millionaire like Bronfman running the show unlawfully and surreptitiously, and that's why we should be on the lookout for people like him making life/death decisions for Israel.

See also this old topic from May on Bloghead for more.

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