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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 

Penn Kemble, Cold War hero, dead at 64

This may not have been spoken about by the MSM, but Penn Kemble of the Freedom House has passed away. As Allen Roth at One Jerusalem's blog, who wrote about his passing, says about Kemble:
A life long Democrat, Penn never allowed politics to stand in the way of promoting American principles in the world at-large. He worked for Republican and Democratic Administrations as a tireless organizer of coalitions that would counter the anti-freedom and anti-American messages of our opponents on the Right and on the Left.

I met Penn twice. Once at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington, D.C. and once over lunch in London. On both occasions Penn talked about his work and plans to form pro-American alliances in Europe. One of his most successful efforts was to bring labor unions into the battle for freedom.
This should also point out one of the most glaring problems the moonbat crowd today seems to have: they've repeatedly let their political leanings get in the way of virtually everything else they do. Kemble should serve as a role model for someone who knows why it pays much better to keep from letting this happen.

As the New York Sun, the only newspaper that's been seriously giving attention to Kemble's passing says in the following editorial:
Kemble's passing invites reflection on the facets of American democracy. He was one of those who started out on the left, believing so many of the ideals claimed by the left and working within its parties and institutions, only to find, increasingly over time, that the right half of the political spectrum was more hospitable to the ideals that inspired him.


In the 1960s, he worked on civil rights and in the 1970s voter registration. In 1972, he helped found the Social Democrats, USA. During the Reagan administration he was accused, as Mr. Miller puts it, "of being a neoconservative," and, in 1983, he broke ranks with many prominent Democrats to support President Reagan in the war in Central America. He drew much fire for his work, but, as Mr. Miller so aptly put it, in 1990 "he had the satisfaction of seeing the Sandinistas voted out of office in peaceful elections."
It'll be a real shame if the MSM intends to remain silent about his death, but that's exactly the problem with them now, and exactly the reason why so many people are doing the right thing to turn to the internet instead to get their news.

Also available at Stop the ACLU, Outside the Beltway, The Mudville Gazette, Jo's Cafe, Big Dog's Weblog.

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