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Saturday, November 19, 2005 

A real reason to boycott Wal-Mart

The documentarian Robert Greenwald made a film about Wal-Mart recently that may have attacked them for offering low-wages. But if Wal-Mart is being openly honest about their benefits, then that's not what's wrong with them. No, what IS wrong with Wal-Mart is that they're hiring illegal immigrants, and not necassarily because illegals have no problem with low wages, but because the company can exploit them as a way to save money on employees with authentic citizenship. Debbie Schlussel provides some very eye-opening details about how they arranged to hire quite a few illegals:
As we previously reported here, Wal-Mart employed illegal aliens through a janitorial contractor, and conveniently pled ignorance--pawning the blame off on the contractor. But ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officials knew all along that Wal-Mart knowingly contracted for the illegals, and in fact, pressured the contractor to hire only illegals.

Conveniently, this latest case, in which ICE Agents (the linked news story got the identity of the agents wrong) raided the construction site of a New York Wal-Mart distribution center, is also a contractor using illegals (so many they filled buses).
Yikes. Now there's a REAL reason to boycott Wal-Mart. Thank heavens Philadelphia doesn't have an outlet of theirs around. But whereever there is an outlet of Wal-Mart, it'd be best advised to boycott it, for reasons that documentarian Greenwald may not have attacked them for.

In other news on illegal immigrants, in Europe in this case, The Brussels Journal cites polygamy as being one of the problems that unwise policies on immigration have led to. And it's not just in France where a lot of suburban enclaves have devolved into Islamic domains. Even in places like Sweden, in the Stockholm suburb of Tentsta, as well as Malmo and Rosengard, crime has increased drastically, and the authorities have abandoned them, to the point of leading to local bus lines stopping their routes through those neighborhoods. In Nynashamn, the train line was cancelled.

This shows just how badly democracy in Europe is in danger, as innocent citizens are betrayed and abandoned by their so-called leaders and governments, and one can only wonder if the same situation could also one day make its way to US shores.

Update: La Shawn Barber agrees with me!

Others on the subject of illegal immigration and its costs and hazards include Adam's Blog, The Lone Elm, A Blog for All, Those Bastards, Sublime Rage, Diggers Realm, The Astute Blogger, Bill Roggio.

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