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Thursday, December 15, 2005 

News brief roundup

One of Ariel Sharon's spokespersons told Newsweek that the prime minister is willing to divide Jerusalem, which the prime minister denies, but if he's not willing to divide the city, why is he letting his spokeperson put words in his mouth?

While we're on the subject, while polls are most certainly hard to figure out, it appears that whatever support Kadima's got is slipping. One can rightfully argue that Tzachi Hanegbi and Shaul Mofaz's bolting from the Likud party to join Sharon's may have been a contributing factor to this. But also, there's the fact that the PLO's al-Aksa brigade is now trying to launch Kassam rockets at Israeli neighborhoods, as the IRIS Blog finds out via Daily Alert.

One Jerusalem's got more on this subject, and you could very well say that

RWDB's got a roundup of reports (via Tim Blair) on police preparations in Australia for any violence that could take place in Sydney over the weekend, and I should hope they intend to see to it that any from the Moslem enclave in Lakemba is not ignored. Plus, Duke's Place has a topic (and an article from American Daily in Arizona) featuring something I most certainly agree to as well: if you don't like us, and don't want to integrate, and don't want to respect our culture and customs, then (how could it be any simpler?) go back where you came from/originated. Period.

The gangland murderer Stanley "Tookie" Williams, responsible for many drive-by murders, has just been sent to hell where he belongs, and I'm personally wondering if the MSM was lying when they implied that the black community would riot (why should they, since most or all of his victims were black?). John McIntyre at Real Clear Politics (via Guns and Butter Blog) gives some more info on the case, and why Tookie got what he deserved.

The Radio Equalizer's got more on both the riots in Australia and the Tookie case.

The Washington Post (via Thomas Galvin) reports that the Democrats fear a backlash at the polls thanks to just how startlingly vulgar they acted lately in voicing their opposition to the war in Iraq. If they want to make things better, well then, why not start off by expelling John Murtha, Howard Dean, and Nancy Pelosi from their ranks? Protein Wisdom, California Conservative, The Indepundit, Q and O, Captain's Quarters and Just One Minute also comment, and Stop the ACLU provides more on John Kerry, another member who'd be doing us all a favor by retiring from politics already.

The Philadelphia Weekly's got a great item on a west side resident who worked his way to fortune by designing nostalgic basketball jerseys.

Older topic from April: The Jerusalem Post reports of a rampage that took place in Ramallah on Thursday by Fatwa gunmen:
Dozens of Fatah gunmen went on a shooting rampage in the city, beating passersby and smashing furniture inside some of the city's prestigious restaurants, including Darna and Bardouni. The gunmen also beat some diners and waiters, forcing them to flee.

Eyewitnesses identified the assailants as members of Fatah's armed wing, Aksa Martyrs Brigades. They said the gunmen, who were carrying automatic rifles and handguns, shouted slogans against Abbas as they attacked the restaurants, which are usually frequented by senior PA officials and their families.

"We are living in a jungle," the owner of one of the restaurants told The Jerusalem Post. "These men think they are above the law and everyone is afraid of them.
Sad but true. They think that everyone is afraid of them. But in truth, it is the gunmen themselves who are the cowards.

The New York Sun reports that the House has renewed the Patriot Act. That's good, but how about fixing the justice system as well, so that we can prevent creeps like Sami Al-Arian from walking freely again? (It's a good thing that prosecutors are hopefully appealing the verdict, and that he's still in jail facing nine other criminal charges.)

The US Reform Judiaism movement writes an anti-war letter to Dubya, and makes everyone angry. Considering just how un-Israeli they are, I should think it best for anyone with common sense to distance themselves from such an awful bunch.

Claudia Rosett continues her coverage of the investigation into the oil-for-food scandal in National Review, discussing UK parliamentarian George Galloway and French minister Charles Pasqua's being charged as suspects. And that's not all, as pointed out here:
"Also on the list are a number of other figures now embroiled, with substantial supporting evidence, in the Oil-for-Food scandal. These include U.S. businessman Samir Vincent, who recently copped a plea with federal prosecutors now investigating cases involving bribery and wire fraud related to Oil-for-Food. The recent subject of a Financial Times expose is on it, Italian politician Roberto Formigoni. So is another American businessman, Shakir al-Khafaji, reported by the Wall Street Journal to have received funds from Saddam and helped bankroll the lobbying activities of former weapons-inspector turned anti-sanctions activist, Scott Ritter. So, for that matter, is the former head of the Oil-for-Food program, Benon Sevan — found by Paul Volcker’s U.N.-authorized investigation to have engaged in a severe conflict of interest involving Saddam’s oil allocations under the program."
And of course, it's not cash these suspects were likely to have been paid with, but rather, something even more valuble, as I mentioned earlier: oil vouchers.

I do hope this investigation will in time lead to Galloway's resignation from the UK parliament. Put simply, he does not deserve to have a position there.

The Saudi prince Al-Waleed, as much an enemy of America as he is of Israel, is said to have given $10 million dollars to Harvard and Georgetown Universities to fund Islamic studies. I'd say that's a good enough reason to boycott their campuses for quite some time, effective immediately.

NRO's The Corner (via MooreWatch) finds Saint Cindy Sheehan pretending to sleep on her son's grave as part of a photo-op in Vanity Fair, disgracing his memory, and showing that's she's one real sick person.

And Karen Hughes has been screwing up again, proving that she's not fit to be in her position.

Atom Egoyan's latest movie, Where the Truth Lies, got a negative response for sex, but nobody's bothered about the violence that takes place in it. From ultra-establishment CNN:
"It really is interesting to me how people respond to the sexuality but not to the violence," Egoyan said at a news conference, responding to reporters' questions about why he went as far as he did in sex scenes involving Bacon, Firth, Alison Lohman and other co-stars.

"No one says that it goes too far when he's bashing his head against the floor. No one ever talks about that. That's the most gory scene I've ever done, and people don't have a problem with that. It's weird. We're still really kind of obsessed about sex."
I must agree that it's simply amazing as to how, even today, nobody gives a damn about violence, but are willing to swing the complete opposite direction when it comes to sex.

Of course, there's still something to ponder here:
"Lanny and Vince's sexual conquests, including a threesome with the woman who ends up dead, are presented with steamy explicitness, sometimes as comical commentary on their lifestyle of debauchery."
At the same time, I can't say I find that in good taste to be presenting something involving sex to follow with the death of the woman involved afterwards. But then, here's where something may have been missed:
"Karen also is lured into Lanny and Vince's carnal activities, including a lesbian encounter with a woman in an "Alice in Wonderland" getup."
Hmm. Could it be that the audience was bothered about that? But even if so, that still doesn't excuse the fact that they legitimized the violence, that's fore sure.

In any case, this is still a very superficial report, and doesn't make any real attempt to question why for some moviegoers, violence legit but sex is not. And so, like so many other CNN reports, I come away feeling like I haven't learned anything.

Speaking of which, on the Lexington Herald-Leader, the mega-establishment AP wire reports that the ultra-establishment CNN is doing a reshuffle for its daytime schedule. And what they say that's silly is:
"We cover international news better than anyone," said Jonathan Klein, president of CNN/US, on Wednesday. "Why not give our U.S. viewers a real opportunity to see the type of stories they cannot see anywhere else?"
Like on the blogosphere, perhaps? Or on the internet as well? LOL. So, what else is new?

Hat tip: Kentucky Democrat.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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