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Monday, December 12, 2005 

A self-hating Jew hijacks a movie about anti-Semitism

Euphoric Reality provides a thoughtful topic about how the scriptwriter for Steven Spielberg's upcoming "Munich", Tony Kushner, is apparently an anti-Semitic Jew. It's what he said to Time magazine, as Ben Shapiro on Town Hall points out (via DANEgerus):
I can't criticize the movie itself until I've seen it, but this film has all the hallmarks of a high-handed, elitist, Hollywood view of foreign policy. Tony Kushner, the virulently socialist playwright and author of the homosexual propaganda piece "Angels in America," penned the screenplay to "Munich." Kushner, who laughably stated in the Time piece that he "never like[s] to draw lessons for people," calls the establishment of the State of Israel "for the Jewish people a historical, moral, political calamity … I wish the modern Israel hadn't been born." He slanders the Israeli Defense Forces, snootily declaring, "I deplore the brutal and illegal tactics of the Israeli Defense Forces in the occupied territories … Jews, of all people, with our history of suffering, should refuse to treat our fellow human beings like that." Allowing Kushner to write what will probably be seen as the definitive movie on the slaughter of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics is somewhat like allowing Ramsey Clark to write the definitive account of United States foreign policy in the Middle East.
In a way, the situation surrounding this movie is vaguely reminicient of that surrounding the would-be memorial designer Paul Murdoch, who's been trying to foist a memorial design dedicated to the terrorists who hijacked Flight 93 near Pittsburgh upon both the families of the deceased and the public of America. Either way, by hiring a writer as hateful as Kushner to do the work on the movie, Spielberg has pretty much thrown away any credibility he had left, and revealed himself as what I fear he really is: a self-hating Jew.

For the record, as the Drudge Report (via Solomonia) once noted, Spielberg himself recently said the following:
"The director tells TIMES [sic - that's Time] he's very proud of the fact that MUNICH doesn't demonize either the Israeli or Palestinian side."
Jeepers, ANOTHER example of blurring the differences between good and evil. Spielberg, all I can say is - I'm ashamed of you.

Here's another topic from Solomonia, featuring a column by Calev Ben-David in the Jerusalem Post lamenting Spielberg's own descent into dhimmitude. I'm certainly impressed that Ben-David was able to make it clear to Spielberg that he's disappointed with him.

Kit at Euphoric Reality sums it up nicely:
I won’t be paying to see this one, that’s for sure.
And neither will I. In fact, I don't think I'll ever be watching any of Spielberg's movies ever again.

See also from The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, and from the IRIS Blog, which reveals that Mahmoud Abbas, who was a financier of the attack, is not mentioned in the movie.

Some early reviews have already been posted, and Leon Wieseltier's got one of the best leading so far.

The UK Guardian (via GOP Vixen) reports that the Israeli consul is angry about the movie, and they most certainly should be. As they say here:
Early screenings have triggered considerable criticism from Israeli hardliners. 'Jews pioneered Hollywood,' wrote Jack Engelhard, the author of the best-selling novel and film, Indecent Proposal, on the Tel-Aviv-based website, ynetnews.com. 'If, as our enemies say, we own Hollywood, well, here's the plot twist - we have lost Hollywood, and we have lost Spielberg. Spielberg is no friend of Israel. Spielberg is no friend of truth. His Munich may just as well have been scripted by George Galloway.'"
And Galloway is now charged in the Oil-for-food scandal. As for Kushner, one of the most horrifying things about him is that he used the F-bomb in his interview with Haaretz when talking about the movie.

Others rightfully angry at the Kushner-Spielberg atrocity include Betsy's Page, Preoccupied Territory, Winds of Change, Kesher Talk, Exit Zero.

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