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Friday, February 02, 2018 

When will Law & Order SVU finally be canceled?

Because this latest insult to the intellect is irritating enough as it is:
NBC police procedural Law & Order: SVU depicted the gruesome rape of a fictional conservative pundit, who eerily resembles author Ann Coulter, in Wednesday’s politically charged episode titled Info Wars.

The episode follows conservative personality, Martha Cobb (Rhea Seehorn), who delivers a speech ironically ripping “the liberal snowflakes,” to a Make America Great Again hat-wearing crowd on a university campus. Cobb’s speech is cut short when a gang of Antifa protesters clash with a mob of white supremacists. Violence ensues, and Cobb is later found unconscious after being beaten and sexually assaulted with the pole of a protest sign.

The NYPD detectives investigating Cobb’s assault are seen debating the merits of her political views — regulars Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), Odafin Tutuola (Ice-T), and Amanda Rollins (Kelli Giddish) argue whether the unknown assailant could have been motivated by Cobb’s support of policies that would “close down Planned Parenthood and deport the Dreamers.”

Detectives eventually nab Antifa member Justin Vichinsky (Adam William Zastrow), whose protest sign, we later learn, was used to mutilate Cobb. Vichinsky’s DNA was also found under Cobb’s fingernails. She eventually points him out in a suspect line-up.

The case appears to be closed until alt-right leader Randy Platt, who attended the University rally, becomes a person of interest. The NBC show appears to conflate supporters of President Donald Trump with white supremacists when Platt, a “Grand Wizard” of the group Patriots for the American Way, says he wants to Make America Great Again.

The case goes to trial and ends with Cobb’s lawyer asking the judge to dismiss the case, telling the judge: “I am sure that the perpetrator of this crime will never be known to a legal certainty.”
Thinking about this, it's not a hard guess the writers tried to make it all sound like it was a staged setup, and conservatives make false rape charges and stuff like that. When will this crappy TV show be canceled? To date, it's probably the only one left from the franchise still airing, and one of the worst. A series built on blame-the-victims/women mentalities, by people who didn't belong in TV production to begin with. Nobody should be wasting their valuble time on such a poorly written and acted program.

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