Ambassador Friedman sets a good example, making solidarity visit to Ovadia family in Adam
US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman on Monday visited the family of Yotam Ovadia, who was murdered in a terrorist stabbing attack Thursday night.Friedman's done the right thing to visit a Jewish neighborhood in Judea/Samaria, which the Obama administration officials were highly unlikely to do. The question's now being asked if bans are being lifted on US officials visiting these places:
Ovadia, 31, was killed when a 17-year-old terrorist infiltrated the town of Adam in Samaria and stabbed three people. His funeral was held on Friday.
Ambassador Friedman visited Ovadia's wife and two children, ages 2 and 7 months, as the family is sitting shiva.
The ambassador had previously condemned the attack.
"Shocked to hear of the brutal terror attack in Adam that left 31 year-old Yotam Ovadia dead and two others injured. My heartfelt prayers for all the families. All life is sacred, but premeditated murder cries out for condemnation. Not hearing it from Palestinian leadership," Ambassador Friedman wrote on Friday.
US Ambassador David Friedman’s condolence call in the West Bank settlement of Adam on Sunday left settler politicians wondering if a policy change had been made to allow American officials to visit Area C.The US administration is doing the right thing not to let politics get in the way of recognizing that innocent lives matter more than politics, no matter where we live. It's an example that European politicians are advised to ponder to boot. Many congratulations to Friedman for his bold efforts.
“It seems as if we are talking about a change in US policy with respect to the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria,” a spokesman for the Binyamin Regional Council said in a statement it put out after the visit.
It appears as if “they are being treated just like the rest of the country,” the spokesman said.
Efrat Council head Oded Revivi said, “It is encouraging to see Israelis treated equally by the [Trump Administration] without paying attention to where they live.”
This is “in stark contrast to the previous administration,” said Revivi, who is also the YESHA Council’s foreign envoy.
Such a visit, strengthens the Trump Administration’s “war on Palestinian terror” and disconnects it from the construction of Israeli homes and kindergartens in Judea and Samaria, Revivi said.
Labels: anti-semitism, islam, Israel, jihad, terrorism, United States, war on terror, White House
Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:
The Grand Mufti [Islamic leader] of Jerusalem,
in addition to becoming Hitler’s ally during
World War II, adapted Nazi genocidal theory
to Islamic theology.
He called on his Muslim brothers to:
“Murder the Jews! Murder them all.”
Other Islamic leaders used Nazi words
like “extermination” in referring to
the goals of Arab victory [against Israel].
SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 4, page 119) published in year 1991
by Little Brown & Co ISBN:9780316181372 ISBN:0316181374
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/30/2018 06:51:00 PM
Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:
“We [Jews] need not apologize about our successes.
We earned them, the hard way.
We need not be apologetic or defensive about
our power in America. For we have seen what can,
and will, happen if we abdicate that power.
Our history as a people demonstrates that
we need more power than others to survive.
That is one of the important lessons to be
learned from thousands of years of anti-Jewish bigotry.
I am reminded of it every time I open one
of my poison-pen letters. We are not the
Swiss and our history is not one of being
left alone. It is one of constant victimization
and repression. Without power – indeed,
without power disproportional to our numbers –
we continue to be victimized. We should
strive to enhance our power on every front.”
SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 4, page 129) published in year 1991 by
Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/30/2018 06:54:00 PM
Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:
“Every current criticism of Israel – whether
made by Israelis, American Jews, or others –
is used by its enemies as part of an explicit
international campaign to delegitimize Israel.”
SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 7, page 213) published in year 1991
by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/30/2018 06:57:00 PM
Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:
“Palestinians have learned the political value
of invoking human rights rhetoric.
Indeed, Former U.S. State Department official
Alan Keyes has argued that by changing the terms
of the Mideast debate from a political issue
between Israel and the Arab states into a human rights
complaint by occupied Palestinians, the PLO has
won an undeserved political and diplomatic advantage.
Palestinian political organizations now present
themselves as human rights organizations,
and the media fall for it.”
SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 7, page 230) published in year 1991
by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN:0316181374
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/30/2018 06:59:00 PM
Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:
The security of Israel is not assured.
Israel is the only nation in the world whose
very existence is threatened by enemies,
external and internal, supported by
a majority of the United Nations.
It is the only nation in the world whose
national movement, Zionism, has been
declared a form of racism by the United Nations.
It is the only nation in the world threatened
by genocidal war, the purpose of which is not
military victory alone, but extermination.
The genocide of Israel’s Jewish population –
a population roughly the size of the Polish
Jewish population at the beginning of World War II
– is not an unrealistic nightmare.
Nothing today prevents it other than Israel’s
military superiority over the combined Arab armies
and terrorist organizations.
If the Arab armies and terrorists were capable
of defeating Israel, destroying its Jewish population,
and “reclaiming” ALL of current Israel, there
can be little doubt that they would try to do so.
Indeed, if any Arab leader were militarily capable
of destroying Israel, but refrained from doing so,
he would be replaced by someone who would at least try.
…Although there are some moderate voices within
the Palestinian and Arab movements, these voices
are listened to only because Israel is too strong
today to be defeated totally.
SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 7, page 247) published in year 1991 by
Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky said:
“In the genocidal war being waged
against the Jewish people, the
New York Times is an accomplice.”
A New Low, a blog article
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, 2015/10/29
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/30/2018 07:04:00 PM