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Friday, November 08, 2019 

There's no need for a Netflix subscription if they bow to Saudi Arabia

The CEO of the streaming cable service offers up a pathetic explanation for why they censored a broadcast of a comedian in the House of Saud:
Appearing Tuesday at the New York Times’ Dealbook conference, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings attempted to explain away the streaming giant’s decision to censor one of its programs in Saudi Arabia, contending “we’re not trying to do truth to power.”

Hastings’s admission came in response to interviewer Andrew Sorkin’s question about why Netflix pulled an episode of comedian Hasan Minhaj’s show Patriot Act in Saudi Arabia following a meltdown by the Islamic country.

“We’re not in the news business, we’re not trying to do truth to power. We’re trying to entertain,” Hastings explained to Sorkin when asked about the move.
Well if they're trying to entertain, then they sure haven't done much to stand by their performer, have they? Nor is the stuttering comment about truth to power very convincing either. With these kind of people in charge, that's just why buying subscription would be a huge mistake.

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